have no reason anymore not to improve our grades, because now we are better equipped, even more than our neighbouring schools who have been outperforming us” said Boniface Nakori, the head teacher of Sionta Primary School in Samburu
County. The school, which was constructed in the middle of a pastoral zone, did
not have many facilities, until recently. It is a similar story in
the neighbouring Turkana county, where many schools do exist, but with
inadequate facilities. One of the tenets of providing a basic education is
accessibility, but if the education that we provide our children is to be
meaningful, there has to be an equal emphasis on quality. And today, providing
quality education also means ensuring that children are not left behind on the
rapid strides made in the digital age.
its Education Resource Centre (ERC) project, Pragya conducted training across
seven schools, in Samburu and Turkana counties in Northern Kenya, and provided schools with digital learning equipment and teaching learning materials
(TLMs). The provision of DVDs and other materials ensures that quality
education is delivered to the students. In many schools, the system was already
in operation for sometime now, and the feedback from the students was enthusiastic. In the Kapua
Primary School, the TVs had been linked with satellite television, enabling the
school to tune into education programs. Mrs. Kerio, a guidance and counseling
teacher in Nakwamekwi School, found the material useful in teaching the
students about sex education, especially the symptoms and effects of various
sexually transmitted diseases. The teachers found the materials immensely
helpful in teaching science subjects that tend to require a lot of
illustrations, which was made easy; and in some instances, the project helped the
students who had never used laptops to do so. One of the outcomes of the
project is that it familiarizes the students with digital materials, providing
them with the necessary skills and confidence to function in the digital age.