15 April 2016

Pragya's Sashaktikaran Kendra to empower the tribal hinterlands of Rajasthan

Pragya, an NGO based in Gurgaon (Haryana), is implementing a 3-year project aimed at empowering the tribal communities in the states of Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand and Assam. The project aims to reach out to the rural population in 10 districts (2 districts in each state) and extend to these improved accesses to relevant services and provisions.

In Rajasthan, Pragya is working towards empowering the tribal communities in the districts of Dungarpur and Udaipur. As part of its efforts, an Information Center (IC) called Pragya Sashaktikaran Kendra would be set up in each of the two districts. The very first Pragya Sashaktikaran Kendra will be formally launched in Dungarpur. It would play a vital multi-faceted role in the empowerment of the tribal communities in the area. It would conduct trainings and awareness sessions and function as an information hub on legislations & schemes initiated by Union/State governments pertaining to health, nutrition, livelihoods, with a particular focus on STs and women. It would also operate a Helpline to address queries of community members on these issues and provide referral services by routing aid seekers towards relevant professionals like health service providers, technical experts, social workers, lawyers, CBOs. Center staff will also maintain a ‘development observatory’ on infrastructural lacunae, gaps in services, with special focus on health & nutrition and gender issues, in order to communicate community needs to concerned authorities. Pragya envisages that the activities of the Center would bring about reduced drudgery, violence and marginalization faced by the women as well as improved dietary intake and nutrition levels and health care for all members of tribal communities in the area; concurrently, there would be improved skill levels and diversified livelihood options for these communities.

Pragya was set up with a concern for last-mile communities neglected and marginalized in the development process. They have been carrying out programs in the areas of education, health, conservation and livelihoods for the benefit of vulnerable communities for over 20 years and have addressed the development needs of communities in the most remote and least developed regions in the country through their work.

The first Pragya Sashaktikaran Kendra will be formally launched in Dungarpur, Rajasthan in the month of April 2016.

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